Saturday, July 22, 2017

Emerging Love

Our personal evolution... isn't it amazing how we can seed, grow, blossom, decay, and regenerate? Whether it be cyclical, graceful, sporadic, effortless, wavy, or jagged -- I am always amazed by ~the moment. We all know that moment. The moment when: you're reflecting, savoring by way of your senses, or maybe even doing ~nothing~ and suddenly -- it all just hits you. Textures feel different and distinct, sights are more vibrant, your chest breathes with ease, love seems to drip, arise, and reveal itself from every hidden corner, sounds seem sweetly and softly amplified, your eyes sparkle, movement is fluid -- dancing even, and a state of peace surges; it all just flows. This is love generated from within. Love generated through practice, ritual, erasure of archaic thought patterns, establishment of new dialogue pathways, alone time, immersion in nature, exploration of creative endeavors, positive company, and embracing of mind//body//soul connections.
This is a powerful cultivation of self-love, that once established, seeps out of your pores and shines brightly. This is a self-love, that seems to be easier to come back to -- when one deviates from this home -- and temporarily ventures to other territories. This is a deep love that aligns with others. Others whom have explored their inner landscapes so extensively -- seeing the vast oscillations of all that is -- that they can't help, but accept and love it all, once everything has been so vulnerably revealed. This is a love that welcomes you. This is a love that nudges you when you return, and says, "Why did you ever leave, when this is all that you are -- all that you're ever meant to brilliantly be?"

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