Monday, June 6, 2016


I love observing people; their body language, their mannerisms, expressions, words, gazes, style, laughter, random noises, and other miscellaneous forms of expression. 

Sometimes I'm overwhelmed by how many beautiful people there are to meet in this world. So many incredible and unique compositions of humanity, waiting to be uncovered. seen. and heard. 

The transition from working in the woods ~alone~ to going to a location with a lot of people doesn't give me a negative anxiety -- it makes me excited. When you're regularly spending time alone and by yourself, you have a microscopic ~in your bones~ understanding of how valuable human connection is and what type of people you want to surround yourself with. So, when I spend time in the city, I feel impassioned to cross paths with as many people as possible. 

Meditation and working outside on a daily basis has ingrained in me a new rhythmic foundation at which I operate. It is often calm, curious, and blank slated. Rather than viewing each day as canvassed and undetermined, I strive to be at a place where every moment, and every interaction feels this way. 

Every moment has the potential to turn the course of everything. Every moment is the present, and to allow my present ~current~ moment to be tainted by an earlier experience seems trivial at times. Especially when you're considering how many possibilities that can lie within 

every thought, 
every touch, and 
every interaction, 

especially when these things are greeted with presence, compassion, and deep genuine care. 

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