Thursday, August 14, 2014


Age is vanishing and becoming merely just a number for me. 

Boundaries and concrete definitions, of what it means to be a certain age, are slowly breaking down and becoming relatively meaningless with every new experience and person that I encounter. 
There are expectations centered around where a person should be at in their lives during their teens, early 20's, late 20's, 30's, and so on; these can be helpful, but they can also be confining. 

The past year I've been shedding the idea of how I am supposed to act as a young post-graduate who is trying to find her place in the world. I don't want my identity to be dependent upon the characteristics of a typical college graduate, and newly employed individual. 

I have recently met so many people, of varying ages who are so youthful, SO INTELLIGENT, and full of passion; passion for different careers, arts, hobbies, lifestyle structures, and ways of learning and education. Their ideas of living, of interacting with people, and of conducting themselves as an individual have totally shattered my ideas of how I should be as a person. 

Age, and the behaviors that should come along with it, is such a simplified way of orchestrating how someone, a community, or a society should be. 

People are beautiful souls comprised of so many differing experiences, incidences, heartbreaks, triumphs, hues of light, and expressions of love. To sum this up with a number -- with polished, acceptable, and normal body language, greetings, diction, life plans, maturity levels, perceptions, and life accomplishments is LIMITING. So. Damn. Limiting. See this. Know this. Understand this. Live this. 

People can, and need to, express themselves in ways that suit themselves and their compilation of memories, lessons, and interactions that they have acquired and will acquire. People should also be able to shift how they carry themselves at any moment without shock or harsh judgment. People continuously have shifting eras of success and failure, different lifetimes within the same lifespan, and changing perspectives of themselves and the world with which they live in. We, the world, nature, everything, is continuously changing and transforming -- SO WHY must we limit things to a number, a specific type of identity, or particular societal norms for our entire life?

Experiment with the execution of the representation of your soul. Try different things, let yourself -- your being -- manifest in different ways that suit you in any given moment of your life. Don't be limited by what you "should" be doing at a certain age, or what hobbies are considered normal and acceptable. 

People are too complex and intricate for that. 


And don't be afraid to defy the boundaries of age. 

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Life is operating just as it should be right now.

That doesn't mean everything is aligned, or that everything is anywhere near perfect. It just means that it just is, and the fact that it is, is just simply beautiful. 

The moon makes it feel like things are brewing. Good things. Very good things.

I've been doing much introspection and building up of courage. 

The past 6 or 7 months I've been in seclusion, in repair. Scared of vulnerability, yet craving to execute it so badly. 

And now, I feel like I'm truly getting there. I'm having more energy and my bravery supply is ready. Ready for the world. Ready to be open again.

By the end of this month, I know I'll fully -- and consistently -- be myself for the first time since November. I can feel it. And I just know.

I know that good things are coming. That my life is about to align, to come together, and feel so much better. Not that my life is terrible right now, because it DEFINITELY ISN'T. But right now things are calm and borderline stagnant. And although those periods of time are incredibly necessary for human functioning, it is also not how I want the majority of my life to be structured.

I only want those phases when they are necessary, not because I perpetuate them.

I'm ready for positive adventure and growth. 

Salty Projections

The moment the salty distaste of another fills your mouth with indigestible words is the moment self-loathing within becomes projected upon...