Tuesday, June 13, 2017


The breath. Always return to the breath.

Sometimes, I forget to breathe outside of my meditation practice and outside of nature. I forget to bring the utmost degree of attention to when I'm working in front of a computer. I breathe afterward, and I breathe before, but I often forget to breathe during. I love the work I am doing, but I get caught up in the screen and in my work, forgetting to breathe deeply and center myself.

I forget that breathing during this time can help me stay refreshed and vibrant, and thus feel no need to turn to coffee or sugar. The breath gives the life and energy that we need. This breath is our life force. 

I am really dissecting my relationship with food at this time, and looking at my dependency on sugar to ~relieve~ myself of stress, or validate myself when a success comes my way. Yet, when I really tune in, I notice that sugar bogs me down, makes me feel introverted and anti-social. I feel uncomfortable in this beautiful body of mine, because of SUGAR. The next morning after eating sugar AND brushing my teeth, my teeth always feel coated and fuzzy. I feel sluggish and frazzled, and like I can't be present for people without coffee. The coffee wakes me up, and then gives me the jitters and quickens my breath. If I don't remember to breathe, I look for a quick fix for the caffeine jitters, and then I turn to sugar..... and the beat goes on. 

The food, the fuel, we put into our bodies should be fresh, colorful, and whole. The food we put into our bodies should make us feel energized and satisfied, not sluggish or shameful. My habitual tendencies love grabbing for sugar at the end of a long and difficult day, but maybe.... just maybe, with a little more breathing, a whole lot more self-loving, and a wee bit more greens, I can release the hold that sugar has on me, and step more into ~body bliss~. The bliss of my temple, my vessel, and soul. 

Salty Projections

The moment the salty distaste of another fills your mouth with indigestible words is the moment self-loathing within becomes projected upon...